The Great Agenda
The massive proliferation of Satan-inspired churches and fellowships in Nigeria as well as in most parts of the world in the last thirty to forty years is not an accident. It is part of the grand deception by the enemy. It is following well-laid out plans by the prince of darkness to ensure as many people as possible are confused about the true God.

This way, they could be deceived into worshiping the devil while they think it is God they are serving. The average person, in spite of the increase in education and literacy, fails to see that what most of these churches teach have no relationship whatsoever with the contents of the Bible.
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Most people are blinded by the secular academic achievements of the pastors, bishops and founders of these ministries. People are barely aware they are transferring their respect for these pastors’ degrees in mathematics, medicine, architecture and the sciences to the pastors supposed knowledge of the Bible.
The Grand Deception: Appeals To Popular Aclaim
It is not enough that a pastor such as Enock Adeboye holds a PhD in Mathematics. We must ask about the source of his teachings in the church. It is not acceptable anyone draws our attention to the millions of people that attend his monthly meetings. The faithfulness of his teachings with clear doctrines of the Bible is far more important than anything anyone can say. Since many of his teachings cannot be found in the Bible, where do they come from?
Where did Mr William Kumuyi get his teachings of the Third Wave and New Apostles from? Where in the Bible was it ever stated that there shall be new ‘foundational’ Apostles apart from Peter, John, Paul, Thomas and their colleagues that had physical contact with the Lord Jesus Christ? Where was it ever said there shall be new set of super apostles with power to develop new teachings and doctrines in the Bible?
Where did the teachings on signs and wonders by these ministries and churches come from?
How do we square the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ with that of Daniel Olukoya, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Paul Enenche, Joshua Talena, Mike Okonkwo, Johnson Suleiman, TB Joshua, Joseph Prince, David Oyedepo or the Catholic church?
You must not allow the popularity and ‘success’ of the churches, ministries and ministers prevent you from asking necessary questions about the sources and the contents of their teachings. It is about your eternity.
In the light of Satan’s plans and agenda, we need to look carefully at the doctrines and teachings of:
The Redeemed Christian Church of God
The Winner’s Chapel
The Redeemed Evangelical Mission
The Christ Embassy
Benny Hinn’s Ministry
Kenneth Copeland’s Ministry
The Mountain of Fire and Miracles
The Deeper Life Bible Church
Pastor Chris Okotie’s Church
‘Apostle’ Johnson Suleiman’s Church
The Synagogue of All Nations
Virtually All The Churches And Ministries on the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway
The Roman Catholic Church
The Four-Square Gospel Church
Our Daily Manna Ministry
The Assembly of God etc etc
The 1995-2001 embedded material is not one of those things you browse briefly and move away from. It demands your time and attention. It contains uncanny, detailed revelations and prophecies now coming true before our eyes.
Or, have you not been hearing of IMPARTATIONS and ANOINTINGS in the services of these churches? Where in the Bible is it stated that godliness can be imparted by the touch of the hand from one person to another? In what part of the Bible is God described as a commodity or energy that can be transferred from one person to another as these pastors now presume to do?
Since the New Testament recognizes only one Anointed Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who are these new ‘anointed’ ministers? Whose anointing are they carrying? Whose are they sharing?
Have you not been watching the miracles of GOLD CLOUDS on TBN, DAYSTAR, FAITH and other ‘Christian’ TV channels?
Have you not heard of ‘angels’ appearing during the worship services of these churches and ministries?
Have you not heard of people supposedly speaking what they call “TONGUES” even though there is NO EXAMPLE of that sort of “tongues” in the Bible?
Have you not heard of GOLD DUSTS in people’s hair and GOLD TEETH appearing in their mouths?
Have you not seen people – ministers and followers alike – being slain-in-the-spirit in these services? Where did that come from and where is it going?
Since not all of these manifestations are obviously fake, where do they come from?Who is causing them to be manifested in the ‘churches’ and religious services of people who do not believe Jesus Christ was God?
Who is the Puppet Master of all these? What are the purposes and intents of these manifestations?
God is willing you are NOT deceived but you must give Him the chance to help you. Will you co-operate with Him so He might open your eyes to what is going on?
“It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”. Hebrews 9:27