Why Does Your Pastor Use A Jehovah Witnesses Bible?

If there is one question each of us must ask our pastor this weekend, it is the question posed in the heading of this piece. [sgmb id=”1″]Young Christians in the mid-1970s were warned to desist from Jehovah Witnesses bible. We were told it held doctrines very contrary to the received, old-time, Christian teachings.
We were told passages that affirm the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His death, His bodily resurrection, the efficacy of the Blood of Christ, His return the second time in the same resurrected body, the Godhead, Trinity, hell, judgment, sin, repentance and many other fundamental issues of Christian beliefs were either distorted or completely omitted by the publishers of the Jehovah Witnesses bible.
What we have not been told is that the Jehovah Witnesses bible is back in another cover and is what practically everyone of our pastors now use! The Jehovah Witnesses bible is back in the guise of the New International Version, NIV, New King James Version, NKJV, American Standard Version, ASV, New American Standard Version, NASV, The Message, MSG, New Living Translation, NLT, English Standard Version, ESV, God’s Words Translation, GWT and Good News Translation, GNT!
In every one of the major Christian doctrinal points highlighted earlier in this piece, i.e the Deity of Christ, His birth, etc etc, every one of the versions listed above have practically the same wording or meaning with the Jehovah Witnesses bible.
Excerpts from If the Foundations be Destroyed, by Chick Salliby
“But does it all really matter,” one might ask, “if I can support what I believe with the NIV?” Yes, if someone else can refute what you believe with that same translation. While you could prove, for example, the Deity of Jesus by using the NIV, someone else can disprove His Deity by using the NIV. While you could prove the virgin birth with this translation, another could disprove it with this same translation-whichever be their pleasure. The NIV is clearly an “Interdenominational Masterpiece” that can cross any church threshold and make all within happy with whatever they believe. A remarkable illustration of this can be seen in the following:
Perhaps there is no religious movement less respected by Born Again Christians than the religion of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Furthermore, there is no version of the Bible less cared for by Christians than the Jehovah’s Witness Bible, the New World Translation. However, if a Jehovah’s Witness were to exchange his Bible, the New World Translation, for the NIV, he would find it surprisingly much to his liking. Consider for example these facts: In this book, we looked at 147 places in the KJV where words or whole verses were omitted in the NIV. Of these 147 omissions, 146 of them ARE ALSO OMITTED IN THE JEHOVAH’S WITNESS BIBLE. If you were to add to these omissions all of the word changes found in the NIV that have been noted in this book, you would find the Jehovah’s Witness Bible and the NIV in agreement IN BETTER THAN FOURTEEN OUT OF EVERY FIFTEEN CASES.
In fact, some Jehovah’s Witnesses have found the NIV so much to their liking that a minister told me that, on one occasion, he observed them using it while witnessing. Why members of an organization so void of the truth and bent on destroying the Deity of Jesus would use the NIV certainly demands an explanation from somebody!
Something to ponder: I do not know of one Christian who uses a New World Translation nor have I ever heard that such a Christian exists. Have you? Yet, the NIV, whose contents so closely resemble those of the New World Translation, is the best selling Bible in the English speaking world today. If that is not a paradox, what is?”
Someone is selling us short down the toilet.
Since the New International Version, NIV, is the most popular of these new versions of the Bible, I draw readers’ attention to the following little research comparing the passages in the King James with the NIV.
Can you find out from your pastor why you were not warned about these terrible new bibles even though they are one and the same in meaning and translation with the Jehovah Witnesses bible in every point of doctrine? I hope you won’t allow yourself to be bamboozled that the reason is the ease with which these new versions can be read?
Or you feel it doesn’t matter what Bible you read?
If you think you need prayer or help in any way, feel free to get in touch with us.